Friday, January 14, 2011

Cramer’s 25 Trading Rules

Cramer’s 25 Trading Rules

Rule 1: Bulls, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered
It's essential for all traders to know when to take some off the table. More

Rule 2: It's OK to Pay the Taxes
Stop fearing the tax man and start fearing the loss man because gains can be fleeting. More

Rule 3: Don't Buy All at Once
To maximize your profits, stage your buys, work your orders and try to get the best price over time. More

Rule 4: Buy Damaged Stocks, Not Damaged Companies
There are no refunds on Wall Street, so do your research and focus your trades on damaged stocks rather than companies. More

Rule 5: Diversify to Control Risk
If you control the downside and diversify your holdings, the upside will take care of itself. More

Rule 6: Do Your Stock Homework
Before you buy any stock, it's important to research all aspects of the company. More

Rule 7: No One Made a Dime by Panicking
There will always be a better time to leave the table, so it is best to avoid the fleeing masses. More

Rule 8: Buy Best-of-Breed Companies
Investing in the more expensive stock is invariably worth it because you get piece of mind. More

Rule 9: Defend Some Stocks, Not All
When trading gets tough, pick your favorite stocks and defend only those. More

Rule 10: Bad Buys Won't Become Takeovers
Bad companies never get bids, so it's the good fundamentals you need to focus on. More

Rule 11: Don't Own Too Many Names
It can be constraining, but it's better to have a few positions you know well and like. More

Rule 12: Cash Is for Winners
If you don't like the market or have anything compelling to buy, it's never wrong to go with cash. More

Rule 13: No Woulda, Shoulda, Couldas
This damaging emotion is destructive to the positive mindset needed to make investment decisions. More

Rule 14: Expect, Don't Fear Corrections
It is not always clear when a correction will strike, so expect and be prepared for one at all times. More

Rule 15: Don't Forget Bonds
It's important to watch more than stocks, and bonds are stocks' direct competition. More

Rule 16: Never Subsidize Losers With Winners
Any trader stuck in this position would do well to sell sinking stocks and wait a day. More

Rule 17: Check Hope at the Door
Hope is emotion, pure and simple, and trading is not a game of emotion. More

Rule 18: Be Flexible
Recognize and be open to the unexpected shifts in the market because business, by nature, is dynamic, not static. More

Rule 19: When the Chiefs Retreat, So Should You
High-level executives don't quit a company for personal reasons, so that is a sign something is wrong. More

Rule 20: Giving Up on Value Is a Sin
If you don't have patience, think about letting someone who does run your money. More

Rule 21: Be a TV Critic
Accept that what you hear on television is probably right, but no more than that. More

Rule 22: Wait 30 Days After Preannouncements
Preannouncements signal ongoing weakness, wait 30 days to see if anything has gotten better before you pull the trigger to buy. More

Rule 23: Beware of Wall Street Hype
Never underestimate the promotion machine because analysts get behind stocks and can keep them propelled in an up direction well beyond reason. More

Rule 24: Explain Your Picks
Buying stocks is a solitary event, too solitary in fact, so always make sure you can articulate your reasoning to someone else. More

Rule 25: There's Always a Bull Market
It's OK if you have to work hard to find it, just don't default to what's in bear mode because you are time-constrained or intellectually lazy. More

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cramer's 7 Stocks Worth Speculating On

Qualcomm's [QCOM 52.07 0.38 (+0.74%) ] plans to buy Atheros Communications [ATHR 44.60 -0.17 (-0.38%) ] for roughly $3.2 billion in cash opens the door for a slew of other mergers and acquisitions, Cramer said Monday.

In the wake of this deal, many investors are betting on companies that could be taken out. Cramer highlighted seven companies that not only have potential to be acquired, but sport sound fundamentals that give them upside potential:

Acme Packet [APKT 60.23 -0.148 (-0.25%) ]: This $3.86 billion company makes equipment known as session border controllers, which enable better delivery of voice, video and data services over converged networks. It has a 60 percent market share in this business and is expected to grow by 25 percent for the next 3-5 years. The stock is trading at 55 times earnings, but that's not unreasonable considering its 32 percent long-term growth rate.

Netgear [NTGR 36.40 0.15 (+0.41%) ]: This is one of just two companies that make home networking equipment, like modems, routers and wireless adapters. Atheros makes chips for this kind of equipment, so Cramer thinks Netgear could get taken out, too. The stock is selling for less than 17 times earnings, which is lower than its 17.5 percent long-term growth rate.

Cirrus Logic [CRUS 18.19 0.19 (+1.06%) ]: CRUS makes chips that help convert data into sound, which then go into Apple's [AAPL 341.64 -0.815 (-0.24%) ] iPad and iPhone, for example. The stock has been very volatile, but Cramer said investors are coming back to the stock on the belief Cirrus' products will go into a new batch of Apple products. Right now, this stock is trading at 12 times next year's earnings with a 20 percent long-term growth rate.

Motricity [MOTR 20.52 0.32 (+1.58%) ]: This stock has pulled back 10 points after a huge-up since its initial public offering in June. The company operates mobile Web portals for four of the biggest U.S. wireless carriers, including AT&T[ATT 26.40 -0.16 (-0.6%) ], Verizon [VZ 35.36 -0.56 (-1.56%) ], Sprint [S 4.40 -0.18 (-3.93%) ] and T-Mobile. It boasts an 80 percent market share and profits from a subscription business model. The stock sells for 25 times earnings, but Cramer thinks it's cheap considering its 25 percent long-term growth rate.

Akamai [AKAM 48.75 -0.04 (-0.08%) ]: This company speeds up and improves the delivery of all kinds of content over the Internet, Cramer said. The stock has been climbing lately and he thinks it has more room to run. It's selling for 29 times next year's earnings with a 17 percent growth rate.

NVIDIA [NVDA 20.31 -0.321 (-1.56%) ]: This technology company makes a host of products for netbooks, tablets and smartphones. Cramer said the stock is a little pricey, though, being as it's trading at 28 times next year's earnings with a 14 percent long-term growth rate.

ARM Holdings [ARMH 23.41 0.74 (+3.26%) ]: The intellectual property company designs and licenses chips to major technology companies, Cramer said. Its products are in 95 percent of all mobile phones and MP3 players, including the iPhone and iPad. The stock trades at 50 times 2011 earnings with a 20 percent long-term growth rate.

Cramer's F.A.D.S. C.A.N.

Cramer: 7 Stocks the Hedge Funds Will Be After

Published: Tuesday, 23 Nov 2010 | 7:12 PM ET Text Size
By: Drew Sandholm

Despite stocks ending sharply lower Tuesday, Cramer told investors not to give up. After all, he said the mechanics of this market are on your side.

As we head into the final six weeks of the year, the S&P 500 index remains up 6 percent year-to-date and the fundamentals remain strong. Typically, hedge fund managers would lock in gains by taking profits at the end of the year. This year, however, many money managers are trailing the gains because they were more focused on macro-economic concerns than how individual companies were performing. Desperate to close the performance gap versus the averages, they are piling into momentum names with high-growth, like Cramer's F.A.D.S. C.A.N.:

F5 Networks [FFIV 142.65 -0.04 (-0.03%)

Apple [AAPL 341.64 -0.815 (-0.24%)

Deckers [DECK 79.06 -1.38 (-1.72%) [CRM 141.12 -1.52 (-1.07%)

Chipotle [CMG 220.79 -2.88 (-1.29%) [AMZN 184.34 -0.34 (-0.18%)

Netflix [NFLX 186.65 -1.23 (-0.65%)

Since Nov. 2, the F.A.D.S. C.A.N. stocks are up an average of 11 percent versus a 1 percent decline in the S&P over the same period. Despite the bad tape on Tuesday, DECK, CRM and CMG all hit 52-week highs.

"With so many money managers lagging the benchmarks because they didn't manage their portfolios well, the big boys are going to have to chase momentum going into the end of the year," Cramer said. "That's one more reason to buy the F.A.D.S. C.A.N. names."

[转贴] 散户为何挣不到钱的五大原因

[转贴] 散户为何挣不到钱的五大原因


散户之所以涨的时候赚的钱不够亏的时候赔的钱,主要是因为在涨升阶段换股频繁喜欢狙击短线,结果赚下来都是一小段一小段的利润;而市场往往在完成涨升阶段后下跌都是陡峭的角度杀盘,几天就可以把一个月赚的赔光。而且散户十个中九个赔,但没有人想到他就是那一个,所有人都将自己“合理的自大”,算在赚钱的 10%之中,当然也没有人想过为什么股票的钱这么难赚;投资选股是在和拥有庞大资金实力与调研研究人员的机构抗衡,与出其不意的政策抗衡,与群众的非理性的情绪抗衡,同时自己内心也在天人交战,还要承担看似不多累计起来吓人的交易成本。散户并不拥有那么多行业的专业知识,能够看清行业发展的未来,更多依赖不稳定的技术分析系统和盘口表现做出决策,本身就居于投资领域竞争的弱势,只有超级大牛市市场出现整体机会时散户才有赚钱机会,而这种机会仅占股市发展过程中15%,可惜散户把任何阶段都当成大牛市来操作对待,能长期赚钱真是奇迹。


因为每个人都认为下一笔交易是难得一见的神奇交易,可以赚一整年,就是所谓的“大金刚效应”大金刚从荣耀的巅峰下摔死一样,很多人常常在赔掉一切后结束交易。很多投资者天天选股,深怕错过每一笔神奇的交易,结果会引起不断的期盼和频繁交易,而忽略资金控管的重要性,只知道整天研究“决策”,花大半的时间在 “决策”要买哪只股票,但真正赚钱的部分不是选股,而是资金管理。如何在买入一只股票后决定出场点和时机,大多数投资者没有计划,结果大部分出场点都是赔到痛才出场,有时连之前赚的都看不见了。对于在上升趋势的股票投资者又不愿意花时间等待,每天市场都有热点和亮点,新热点起来时盯盘的投资者又耳热心跳忍不住不去操作,结果手上的持股还没有走完又转战到不熟悉的领域,以选股为重心的操作往往就会导致频繁交易。股价总是震荡上行的,大家都总是想赚到所有的波段,没有人那么厉害,再涨也不会一路涨上去买不到,有涨得稳的,有涨得慢的,但投资者心态总是随着正常的波动反复改变。回调和下跌是两回事,绝大多数区别不了,如果区别不了其中的差异,永远做不好股票。


人的心态永远都是回避风险的,总认为发生了亏损可以不必理会,而且还不断地往下看支撑,这是和大多数人只能想像和接受有利于自己的事物,不善于接受不利于自己的环境有关。物质社会让人心态失衡,最关键的一点就是大家都看到“得到”的“好处”,而不能接受“失去”的“坏处”。对停损的重要性往往估计不足。其实下跌浪发生了找支撑是件吃力不讨好的事情,因为下跌的速度往往会比上涨的速度大3倍!恐惧比乐观还要危险,何况底部确认不易,越聪明的人越会犹豫,人们总是打心底以为无视风险就等于逃开了风险,不善停损的人往往缺乏自律精神,都是不愿意尊重负面因素,就像酒鬼不愿意承认自己酗酒,高估自己在酒精诱惑下的自控能力一样,投资者往往会低估了结损失带来的灾难。一旦发现损失总是希望反弹回来自己的本钱,但亏损本身已经实际发生了,再发展下去就是更大的亏损—— 2007年买入银行股的投资者最终套牢两年不得解套,而1997年买入四川长虹不愿意停损的投资已经套牢14年!更为遗憾的是不愿停损的投资最终扛不住市场强大的趋势压力,往往会在惨赔了50%甚至更多的时候结束这痛苦的一切,接下来会在心理失衡的状态下继续更加糟糕的投资,有的甚至再难重新振作回到市场,反而会走向另外一个极端——稍有盈利立马结算,陷入我们所说的第二个频繁交易的陷阱里去。所以不会停损,不执行停损带来的冲击不仅仅是金钱上的损失,还有一股更大的习惯势力将自己远远拉离成功的道路。





Monday, October 20, 2008


发信人: skyway (路过), 信区: Stock标 题: 股市操作中的17种通病(zz)发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sat Jun 28 01:27:56 2003) WWW-POST


  许多人总以为自己资金量小、经验不足、人轻言微,把握不了大势,遂将对大势的判断权交给了股评家、咨询公司和机构测市的栏目。其实,这往往是错误的。   须知,股评家和机构发言人也都是人,也有人性的弱点,也有思想上的片面性,也有利益驱动(有的本身就代表了主力、庄家的做多或做空的意图)。这些人往往在技术指数处于底部,均线呈空头发散式排列、成交量极度萎缩、人气低迷时看空,称“还要探底”;在技术指标处于顶部、均线呈多头发散式排列、成交量放巨量甚至天量,人气鼎沸时看多,称“还要创新高”。这种机械的技术分析和“金玉良言”往往是市场走势滞后的反映,主力正好与此反做。不然,机构在底部怎么拣得到割肉筹码,在顶部将筹码去抛给谁?对于这种历史上曾一再发生的情况,若盲目跟从,追涨杀跌,便会蒙受重大损失。当然,也有这样的情况,股评家、咨询公司和机构在犯错后,根据新情况而及时修正了观点,而大众并不知道。因此,对“迷信”者而言,丧失了“主权”,就等于把自己的资金的“生杀”大权置于一种十分危险的境地。  
  股票与世界上任何事物一样,没有“恒强”或“恒弱”的状态。   但主力、庄家往往在顶部或次顶部时鼓吹“强者恒强、弱者恒弱”的口号,以便扩大个股的盈利,打开上行空间,在高位尽可能多地把筹码倒给跟风的中小散户,然后在震荡、压低、杀跌中,利用人们抢反弹的心理,乘机出逃获利筹码。   而在底部或次底部时,往往鼓吹“弱者恒弱”的口号,目的是引发大户、中小散户割肉盘涌出,打开下跌空间。为此,他们总是在大盘上涨时,肆意打压某强势股;在大盘下跌时,再狂炸某弱势股,使人们对此彻底丧失信心,主力却不动声色地建仓,再拉高台阶横扫割肉盘,以便培育出未来的“黑马”。而许多人所犯的错误,正是在顶部时,与“恒强”的“黑马”“握手”,追涨吃套;而在底部时,与“恒弱”的潜在“黑马”“告别”,岂有不输之理!  
  有些人买股票就像买保险,认为凡名气很大的股票,既说明以往赚钱的人多,也说明这家公司可靠,保险系数高。正因为如此,1998年年初很多中小投资者专买长虹、海尔、深发展等名牌股,而忽视了如今这些股票价格高、盘子大、股本扩张能力差等缺点,结果接了最后一棒,成为以往获取暴利的中长线买家撤退的垫脚石。   看似最安全的股票,往往是风险最大的股票,所受的损失大大超过了指数下跌的幅度。而1998年股市的市况却是,以往几年中名气最坏、受损最多、业绩最差的股票,借助于资产重组而群体“升天”,远远跑赢了大盘。  
  许多人把实事求是的原则机械地搬用到股市,将利好和利空消息都作为“实事求是”来理解并加以贯彻,结果屡屡上当被套。殊不知,个股的利多和利空在市场往往呈现相反效应。上市公司业绩大幅增长、大比例送股的利好消息公布之日,却不涨反跌,常常拉出放量长黑,主力乘机出货,跟进者十有九套。而上市公司业绩下降、送股“泡汤”,甚至亏损的利空消息公布之日,却不跌反涨,并放量拉出长红,主力乘坏消息进货,杀跌者十有九踏空。主要原因是信息披露不规范,数月前已走漏风声,被主力获取,在股价走势中早已提前反映,以致消息正式出台后,走势便出现逆反。“不是股价跟着业绩和方案走,而是业绩和方案跟着股价走”,不知原委的投资者屡屡被利多或利空消息的相反效应弄得晕头转向。 (来源:硬度的主页)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Seth Klarman Comments on Money Management and Baupost's Approach

A friend sent me a video of a speech given by Seth Klarman at the Columbia Business School in 2006. Klarman’s hedge fund the Baupost Group has done over 20% a year since he founded the firm in 1983, with only one down year. Also, Seth Klarman’s book Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor is one of the best books I’ve read on value investing. It’s currently out of print and selling for about $1,600, but I got a copy through my library’s intra-library loan program.Of all the articles/speeches/interviews of value investment managers this is one of the best speeches I’ve ever watched. Klarman discusses how he made over 5 times his money investing in Enron debt, what his investment principles are, his thoughts on the investment manegment industry, why he doesn't go short and why he uses derivitives.This speech is not posted anywhere else on the internet.

Here is my summary:Thoughts on the Investment Management Industry

The investment management industry is not set up to achieve market beating returns. Instead they are incentivized to get big and act like asset gatherers. At the same time there is little incentive to take risk and deviate from the mean because if they strike out and underperform for even a short period clients will be lost quickly. It’s an enforced mediocrity (if you want to get big just do what everyone else is doing and settle for average results).

Klarman said he would rather hold treasury bills then invest in many of the hedge funds out there. If stocks do 10% going forward and a hedge fund that charges 2 and 20 takes 3% of your money in fees you’ve only got 7% left, plus it’s leveraged, holds illiquid securities, etc. He would much rather get 4.5% risk free.

Tweedy Brown is today’s manifestation of Benjamin Graham
Value investing is risk aversion
Baupost charges a 1 percent management fee plus 20 percent of profits.

How Baupost Invests

Rule #1: Don’t lose money. Rule #2: Never forgot Rule #1.

Baupost always looks for catalysts in its investments. If you find a stock trading for 50% of what you think it’s worth you want there to be something that will trigger it to reach fair value.
Baupost will always sell an investment as soon as it near their estimate of fair value. Baupost has analysts focused around the type of opportunity; Baupost has a spinoff analyst, index fund deletion analyst, post bankruptcy analyst, distressed debt analyst and an analyst looking at companies that are depressed because of a bad earnings announcement).

Baupost invest in: Both public and private distressed debt, Real estate (Baupost has done over 200 real estate deals including biding on RTC auctions), U.S. and foreign equities, LBO’s and Derivatives.

The portfolio at the time of the talk was 45% cash, 20% equities, around 17% distressed debt, 11% real estate, 7% private investments (distressed debt, small LBO’s, financial restructurings), 6% in South Korean equities and a small % in hedges.
Baupost looks at every merger, rights offering, privatization of government business, spin off, major share repurchase, dutch auction tender, thrift conversions or anything else that could cause mispricings.

Post bankruptcy situations are a good place to look for bargains because people avoid them and don’t understand them. A lot of good things can happen in bankruptcy such as terminate overpriced contracts or leases, shed extraneous business units or, deal with union problems or settle contingent liabilities; all under the protection of bankruptcy court. Then all the debt holders have equity and they will want to sell.

Baupost opened over 1,000 savings accounts across the country to take advantage of thrift conversions.

Baupost doesn’t go short because, unlike going long when you can take advantage of a drop in the value of an undervalued security by just buying more, if you're short even though you may be right that it’s worth less then the trading price you can still go broke. It’s way more risky and you can lose to infinity. Think tech stocks - if you shorted them in '97, '98 or even '99 you would have been killed. It works for a while, and then the market goes berserk and you get killed.

Baupost uses hedges to reduce risk. For example, they use derivatives to hedge the interest rate risk in their real estate holdings. They hold credit default swaps on the government debt of countries they have investments in (S. Korea). They also hold credit default swaps in a bunch of European countries not necessarily because they have holdings there but because it reduces risk and they were very cheap ($60, 000 a year for $100 million in insurance).

Baupost does best when there is high uncertainty and little information. When they research a company they do what ever they can to find information; they talk to every one to get information including management, industry people, former executives, customers, suppliers, they sometimes hire consultants and talk to analysts on buy and sell side.

They constantly reassess to find new information, if they’ve overlooked something or if something has changed.
Employees own the second largest position in Baupost.

Baupost’s 3 investment principles:

1. Focus on risk before return. This is why Baupost has so much cash, currently 45% of the fund is in cash. If they could find undervalued investments they would put all their money to work tomorrow. If they had to they would have no problem holding 100% cash. People fail to have sell discipline because they can’t hold cash.
2. Focus on absolute returns. Institutions focus on relative returns but Baupost doesn’t because Klarman can’t imagine writing a letter to clients saying "we performed well during the year, the market was down 25% and we were down only 20%" also clients will pull money out at the wrong time and it has a strong psychological effect.
3. Only focus on bottom up investing. He has views on the macro but doesn’t think he has an edge in that type of investing. Klarman said that it’s really hard to turn a macro idea into an investment.

Klarman's 5 fold investment in Enron debt

Baupost invested in Enron’s senior debt and he said that would be an example of his favorite type of investment. The situation had a lot of complexity, hard to analyze, a lot of litigation, uncertainty and no one wanted to be associated with anything Enron creating a huge mispricing. Baupost bought the debt for 10-15 cents on the dollar. It comes down to assessing assets minus liabilities. After a few years most of Enron’s assets were cash $16-18 billion but the liabilities were extremely complicated, with over 1,000 subsidiaries. Baupost had one analyst focus solely on Enron for over 4 years and try to figure out its liabilities and how much they would get back on the bonds. Baupost believed that the people liquidating Enron were low balling what they would get back on the bonds. The people liquidating Enron were very pessimistic and they originally estimated that the bonds would get back 17 cents on the dollar at the same time the debt traded for 14-15 cents, Baupost estimated that the debt would recover 30-40 cents and as of now they believe it will be more then 50 cents.

Investments like Enron debt are possible because the market doesn’t assess risk correctly by relying on volatility (beta).

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Buying High (for example MEE)

Please MEE's recent stock trend, pull back and back up for the buying high!

Buying HighPosted By:Carlo DellaversonTopics:Stock Picks Stock MarketOne of the easiest ways Cramer uses to identify potential picks is simply by watching the new high list every day. Stocks on that list – the highest of the high – have something going for them or else they wouldn’t be there. Either they’re part of a major bull market, or the individual stocks themselves have serious momentum.

Most of the stocks on the new high list keep going higher unless something radical changes. But Cramer doesn’t just pluck names of the list thinking they will keep going up. Instead, he likes to wait for a stock to pull back from the new high list. This gives a good, lower-priced entry point in a stock that’s probably going to rebound.

But you need to be confident the stock that pulled back is going to make a comeback, Cramer stresses. Sometimes stocks pull back for good reason because a company is troubled and investors think it’s going down. But more often than not, stocks pull back from their highs because of profit-taking or some kind of panic in the market. As long as the company’s fundamental picture doesn’t change, the stock probably hasn’t fallen from grace. The fundamentals must be intact, or this method won’t help a bit, Cramer says.
Bottom Line: Look for stocks that have pulled back from the new high list – that’s the first method to Cramer’s madness, and where some of his best picks have come from.